Inspite of having a good Injury Prevention Programme, injury will still occur. When an injury occurs, a coach has to decide the required treatment. In order to help you do this, you have to have the following information:
- The type of tissue that is injured 􀄃 muscle, tendon, bone or ligament,
- The location of the injury. This will determine the treatment to be rendered. Serious head, neck, and back injuries are treated differently than injuries to the arms and legs.
- The type of injury- bruised, strain, sprain, fracture etc.
Determining the Seriousness of an Injury
The following steps will help you to determine the seriousness of an injury:
1. Find out what happened, get complete information of how the injury occurred. The injured person is your primary source of information.
2. Look at the injury. Check for alignment, deformity, swelling, bleeding, discolouration, reluctance to use the injured part.
3. Check for abnormalities, smell, swelling, check for range of motion of the injured part. Do not move the body part if the participant cannot do so. If in doubt, refer to a doctor. Keep your Emergency Action Plan up to date.
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